Log of AsciiDiff enhancements/bugfixes

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This page was last updated on: December 8, 2008
December 13th, 2000:
Fix bug re colours in display of a second or subsequent pair of files, speed up horizontal scrolling in Zoom window.
January 19th, 2001:
Add right mouse button menus, allow editing, recomparing and saving modified text.
February 22, 2001:
Provide a facility for virtual line numbers in the split display.
March 21st, 2001:
Minor additions to help file.
June 14th, 2001
Fixed memory leak, improved execution speed, new "Mirror" copy facility to make part restores from one side to the other easier.
June 25th, 2001
Option to identify unmatched identical lines due to separation by larger matching blocks (moved lines).
February 5th, 2002
Attach drop-down lists of previously-compared files to file name edit boxes at front entry window.
Fix bug that brought up Windows Start menu when editing shortcut keys used.
April 10th, 2002
Provide easier options for merging differences from one file to the other. Provide options to restrict the amount of matching text displayed. "Remember" the current screen positions when recomparing.
Add a new right mouse button option for text search and replace.
August 6th, 2002
Provide a function to renumber contents of files after editing. Relevant if you select the "Virtual Sequence Numbers" option, and for NATURAL source code. If files are NATURAL source code, the renumber function updates numeric back references to agree with the line number updates.
September 13th,2002
Use default Windows codepage for character set in file name and file content areas of split screen,
instead of previously US_ANSI  .
October 4th, 2002
Regular expression option in text search. Big speedup in file comparison phase.
November, 2002
Minor bug fixes, partic. regarding incorrect renumbering of processing limits in NATURAL db accesses.
March 2nd, 2003
Only relevant to NATURAL source code comparison. Fixed problem with program hanging if user
chooses "Force numeric linerefs to agree" and also chooses to ignore program comments, when pgm
contains referred-back database arrays. And array dimensions are no longer interpreted as referbacks.
March 16th, 2003
Further improvements to discrimination between NATURAL array references & program comments.
May 4th, 2003
User can customize font in the split screen display - for current session, or for all future sessions.
Program's internal pointer to next & previous difference blocks can be changed by user, to avoid having
to repeatedly press "Next" & "Prev" arrows for comparisons of documents with many differences.
Feb 7th,  2004
Incorporate capability for entry panel to accept files dragged&dropped from Explorer or similar.
Detects if files to be compared are both pre-sorted; if so, uses a much faster comparison algorithm.
Zoom window expanded for character-by-character comparison of multiple line pairs. Sundry other
minor bug fixes.
Feb 11th,  2004
Fixed bug introduced in V1.5.5, Zoom window generating exception message when closing after
being used to compare multiple pairs of lines.
June 9th,  2005
Introduced capability to ignore all text in a righthand margin of each text line in a file. User can now
save a preferred size and screen position for the comparison window for future default use. And
AsciiDiff now has limited support for files that contain Unicode.
Probable Future Enhancements

Capability for user to supply own text transformation program.

Option for user to customize labels for controls.