This program converts numeric referbacks in a Natural program into alphanumeric labels, and inserts each label against the appropriate statement.
It puts the Natural source into a read-only richedit control, and repeats every referenced and every referencing line in a grid below. Clicking on any cell puts the referenced line number into an edit box, where the user can overtype with a label.
As soon as the label has a valid format, an "Apply" button activates, and pressing it propagates the label throughout the richedit above. These are the only changes that can be made to the source code.
The whole process can be automated, for each label individually or for all labels, by supplying a conversion profile that holds a series of templates for each statement type which can be labelled.
The program will accept one (optional) command line parameter containing the name of a plain text file containing the Natural source code. This enables it to be used in tandem with a pair of download/upload Natural source modules on a mainframe. The download module can write a PC workfile containing the Natural source to be modified, then pass the name of the workfile to this program so it can open with data in place.
June 14th, 2001 Included help file, all previously known bugs fixed, further automation features added.
March 17th, 2002 Removed bug that disabled the Actions menu if a Natural source file was not supplied as a command line parameter.
March 31st, 2002 Removed bug that prevented detection of pre-existing labels
on line above referenced statement.
December 7th, 2003 Improved facilities for automatically processing multiple
Natural source files by means of BAT file or Windows scripting tool.
SpyClones : Program Source Code Duplication Detector (425kb)
This utility identifies and highlights sections of duplicate source code in a program, or across a collection of program source code files.
Why are these bad?
1. They make programs larger than they need to be.
2. More importantly, they provide potential for programming errors during
maintenance, via programmers only applying changes to one of the copies.
Sections of duplicate code are often (though not always) potential candidates for conversion to internal subroutines.
When a source code file or collection of files is loaded into SpyClones, it identifies all duplicate sections of code whose line counts exceed a certain user-defined minimum. A list of references to each pair of duplicate sections then appears; you are then able to split the screen vertically or horizontally; each half of the split screen will contain a separate copy of the source code.
When you select one of the references to a pair of duplicates, both sections of duplicate code are displayed (highlighted in blue), each in one half of the split screen.
December 5th, 2004 Fixed bug that produced erroneous results when analysing multiple files. Added function to save a text file containing a summary report of all duplicate sections. If multiple files are being analysed, the report includes references to each file involved in every pair of matching code sections.
Regular expression parsing and matching package, written in Natural, mentioned
in SAG-L mailing list. Contains a complete SYSTRANS of all the source code, and
a brief descriptive document.